Why is bamboo perfect for athleisure wear?
At Active by GS, we are passionate about finding the best fabric to suit you and your needs. Our combination of organic cotton and bamboo is perfect for you, your skin and the planet. Sustainable, eco-friendly and lightweight, our clothing is designed to keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
Earth Hour - Let's Switch Off
Did you know Earth Hour started in our beautiful Australia in Sydney in 2007 to demonstrate the power of collective action? In one hour, thousands of buildings and landmarks around the world switched off their lights to raise awareness about climate change.
International Women's Day
"Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them" (Unknown). The International Women's Day movement is the day to celebrate the achievements and rights of women worldwide. Officially, March 8th was recognised by the United Nations in the International Women’s Year of 1975.
This is the time of the year when we have made our New Year resolutions and are trying to keep them! Lets think about our active performance and take it a step further. How do we relate to active living and what can we do to step up our everyday health through an active based lifestyle? We have put together a few steps to achieve this. However, we will start with one step at a time. Today, we’ll talk about ‘motivation’.
Let's talk Compression Leggings
The word compression has been thrown around a lot lately. And if you’ve heard it before but aren’t quite sure of what it is, then read on! Compression wear or compression fit activewear, also known as performance wear means a type of clothing that is meant to fit snugly, wrapping around your skin. Since compression fit clothing are supposed to be tight and snug, some people question the health benefits of this.
Meditation Techniques & Mindfullness
Meditation has benefits galore. Several studies have proven that meditation can help with mental health as well as physical health. Meditation has the ability to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, anger and much more. Here's a simple and easy meditation process will help you to stay calm, de-stress and clear your mind.
Stay Healthy this Winter l Easy-to-do Tips!
Motherhood and Fitness + 7 Bounce Back Tips
Active mothers are becoming more and more a common sight. And what a beautiful sight they are! While some are quite driven, for most mothers it’s quite hard to comprehend how these superwomen do it. Whatever you do, you are setting an example for your precious little followers!